25th May – Saturday 2nd July
Artist Mariette Voke and potter Nigel Lambert are sharing the gallery at Found for this combined exhibition. Photographer Catherine Murray is joining the show.
Mariette trained as a potter in Cornwall and made large garden pots and sculptures for nearly twenty years before switching to painting in 2003. Mariette retains an enduring love for pottery and ceramics which often form the subject of her still life paintings. She has a love of colour and a passion for painting fabrics and clothing; drawing on her own collection of 1950’s dresses and jackets, linking these with treasured objects to create a story in paint.
Nigel Lambert has been making pots from his Forest of Dean workshop for over 30 years. Training in Cornwall (where he met Mariette) and Devon, slip decorated wood fired earthenware has been a fascination and love for all these years. The abstract cobalt brush marks he makes, have been distilled through the years, adding to the conversation around the table. Strongly influenced by function, Nigel feels his pots come alive when set on the dinner table full of colourful food.
Catherine Murray started her professional life as a set designer and architectural illustrator, focused predominantly around the controlled built environment, which was increasingly at odds with her long-term love of the outdoors and exploration of the landscape. She is now most comfortable with a camera in hand and strives to capture moments that provoke an emotional response, by seeking out locations to create images of inspiring places; sometimes wide-open spaces, sometimes close details, typically capturing the presence of nature and sculptural quality of our environment in strongly defined landforms, changing weather and ambient light.
Craftsman Pete Ward is displaying a selection of his decorative metal garden stems in our gallery window.